Older, Wiser—and at Olivia, Fabulous—Lesbians

- Feb 17, 2025

Browse Vacations



OWL stands for Older, Wiser, Lesbian and OWLs are a vital part of Olivia’s community. Whether you have been traveling with us since the first Olivia vacation 30 years ago or making your first trip, it’s never too late to become part of the Olivia family – and the Olivia OWLs.

We love our OWLs, and we have special meetups on our cruises and at resorts to help you connect, share stories, and forge new friendships. Grab breakfast with the OWLs or pop into one of our special OWLs cocktail hours and share your unique experiences among Olivia family.

OWLs meetups are typically for women 60 and over, but all are welcome, especially if you are supporting or traveling with an OWL.

OWLs programming is offered on these upcoming vacations:

Call an Olivia Travel Consultant at 800.631.6277 or International 415.962.5700 for more information or to book your next vacation!